
The entire life of a person passes in the mode of allocation of time, partly forced, associated with socially necessary activity, partly according to an individual plan. So, for example, the mode of a student’s day is determined by the curriculum of classes in an educational institution, the mode of a soldier – by the daily schedule approved by the commander of the military unit, the mode of a working man – the beginning and end of the working day.

Thus, the regime is the established order of human life, which includes work, food, rest and sleep.

The main component of the mode of human activity is his labor, which is an expedient human activity aimed at the creation of material and spiritual values.

A person’s mode of life activity must be subordinated, first of all, to his effective labor activity. A working man lives in a certain rhythm: he must get up at a certain time, perform his duties, eat, rest and sleep. And this is not surprising – all processes in nature are subordinated to a certain extent to a strict rhythm: the seasons alternate, night replaces day, day again replaces night. Rhythmic activity is one of the basic laws of life and one of the foundations of all work.

A rational combination of the elements of the mode of life activity provides a more productive human work and a high level of health. Labor activity of a person involves the whole organism as a whole. Work rhythm sets a physiological rhythm: at certain hours the body experiences a load, due to which metabolism increases, blood circulation increases, and then there is a feeling of fatigue; at other hours, days when the load decreases, there comes rest after fatigue, restores strength and energy. Proper alternation of load and rest is the basis of high human performance.

Now it is necessary to dwell on the issue of rest. Rest is a state of rest or active activity, leading to the restoration of strength and performance.

The most effective in the recovery of efficiency is active rest, which allows the rational use of free time. The alternation of types of work, a harmonious combination of mental and physical labor, physical education provide effective restoration of strength and energy. A person needs to rest daily, weekly on weekends, annually during the next vacation, using free time to strengthen physical and mental health.