Physical education has always held a leading place in preparing a person for active, productive life. It can successfully solve the problem of the imbalance between the strength of emotional stimuli and the realization of the physical needs of the body. This is the right way to strengthen the spiritual and physical health.
Physical training has an important effect on the ability of the individual to adapt to sudden and strong functional fluctuations. There are a total of 600 muscles in a human being, and this powerful motor apparatus requires constant training and exercise. Muscle movements create a huge flow of nerve impulses to the brain, maintain the normal tone of the nerve centers, charge them with energy, relieve emotional overload. In addition, people who are constantly engaged in physical activity, looks more attractive. Physical exercise – the best measure of prevention of alcohol, smoking and drug abuse.
Being physically fit gives a person self-confidence. People who constantly engage in physical activity are less stressed, they are better able to cope with anxiety, worry, depression, anger and fear. Not only are they able to relax more easily, but they also know how to release emotional tension through certain exercises. Physically trained people are better able to resist illness, they find it easier to fall asleep on time, they sleep more soundly, and it takes them less time to get a good night’s sleep. Some physiologists believe that every hour of physical activity prolongs a person’s life by two to three hours.
Daily morning exercise is a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. You should make it as much of a habit as washing your face in the morning.
Hardening – is to increase the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors (for example, low or high temperature) by systematic exposure of the body to these factors.
Modern housing, clothing, transportation, etc. reduce the impact on the human body of atmospheric influences such as temperature, humidity, sunlight. Reducing such influences on our body reduces its resistance to environmental factors. Hardening is a powerful health tool. With his help you can avoid many diseases and for many years to keep the ability to work, the ability to enjoy life. Especially important is the role of hardening in the prevention of colds. In 2-4 times reduce their number of hardening procedures, and in some cases help to get rid of colds. Hardening has a restorative effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.
The main conditions to be met during the hardening of the body are the systematic use of hardening procedures and the gradual increase in the strength of the impact. We must remember that in 2-3 months after cessation of hardening the previously achieved level of resistance of the organism begins to decrease.
The most common form of hardening is the use of fresh cool air. For this during the warm season is good for long walks, hiking, sleeping indoors with an open window.
At home it is useful to walk around barefoot on the floor, the first time for a minute, then every week to increase the duration of 1 minute. In the cold season walking is well supplemented by skiing, skating, slow hardening run in light clothing. Increasing resistance to low temperatures also contributes to morning exercises in the open air or in a thoroughly ventilated room.
A stronger hardening factor is water. In addition to temperature, water has a mechanical effect on the skin, which is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation.
Hardening can be done by rubbing or pouring water. Start tempering water at a temperature of not less than 33-35 degrees and then every 6-7 days the water cooled by one degree. If the body does not have any changes, the water temperature can be brought to tap water temperature (10-12 degrees).
A great hardening effect have bathing in an open water body. In this case the irritation of the water is combined with exposure to air. When swimming the warming of the body contributes to increased muscle work during the swim. In the beginning the swimming time is 4-5 minutes, gradually increasing to 15-20 minutes. During too long swimming or swimming in very cold water, increased metabolism can not make up for the loss of heat and the body gets overcooled. As a result, instead of hardening, the person harms his health.
One of the hardening factors is the sunlight. It causes the expansion of blood vessels, increases the activity of hematopoietic organs, promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body. This is especially important to prevent children from rickets.
The duration of exposure to the sun in the beginning should not exceed 5 minutes. Gradually increase it to 40-50 minutes, but no more. It should be remembered that inordinate exposure to the sun can lead to overheating of the body, sunstroke and burns.
These are the main components of health. Remember: a healthy lifestyle can largely reveal those valuable qualities of personality, which are so necessary in today’s dynamic development. This, above all, a high mental and physical performance, social activity, creative longevity. Conscious and responsible attitude to health as a public good should become a norm of life and behavior of all people. The widespread adoption of a healthy lifestyle is a matter of national importance, nationwide, and at the same time it concerns all of us.